health & Wellness

How Sick Is Too Sick?

Attending school is important. If your child misses more than 10 days in a school year, the school nurse will contact you to find out what we can do to support your child’s return to school. If you are looking for guidance on whether or not to send you child to school we have included a link below. This is also the document the health office uses to determine if we
should send a student home due to illness.

Important Announcements

Keep Up With Health & Wellness Information and Regularly Read Our Important Announcements From Our Nurses

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Our Nurses

Marlene Gebhart
Nurse at KQA
Jennifer Rabe
nurse at pRE & EES
Alexandra Turner
Nurse at mMS

Our Health Aides

Nurses will review Online Registrations to determine if there has been a change in your student(s) health or medication history. It is extremely important that you update the Online Registration in Infinite Campus every year. This also allows health aides to give, or not give, First Aid over the counter medications to your student(s) when needed. 

Nurses will review students’ immunization records to ensure they have the state required vaccinations. You will see links to vaccination information for all PreK-12th grade students below.

State of Colorado Mandatory Vaccination Information – Parent Letter English / Spanish

CDPHE School Required Vaccinations PK-12th grade

Certificate of Immunization PK-12th grade (to be completed by health provider)

Tdap – English / Spanish

If your child has an acute or chronic health condition, please let your school nurse know so that we can develop a health provider endorsed plan to support their needs. We want parents/guardians to feel confident that while your child is in school, we are prepared to address health concerns. Every student with a food allergy, diabetes, seizure disorder, asthma, or other health condition, must have a plan in place in case of emergency.

If your child requires medication to be taken during the school day, there is a form (linked below) and additional information your school Nurse and Health Aide will need. Even if your student is old enough to self-carry medication, they will need the medication administration authorization and self-carry contract (see link) signed by you each year. This information helps us keep your child safe while at school.

Medication Administration at School – required for any prescribed or OTC medication brought on school grounds for any reason. English / Spanish

Medication Self Carry Contract for inhaler and epinephrine  – needs approval by parent, RN, student.


Vision and hearing screenings in grades PK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th grades. 

We will also screen new students in all grades and those students who are being evaluated for certain school based programs. These screenings identify students who may have trouble seeing or hearing, making it difficult for them to learn. If your child is not in one of the grades being screened, but you would like your child’s vision or hearing screened, please contact your school’s health office.

Report Injuries, Illness to Nurse

We want to know about ANY health concerns including illness, head injury, bodily injury, etc, that may appear throughout the year. Please do not assume that by telling a teacher or any other employee, we will also be informed. Please contact the school nurse first for any injury or illness related concern. We will then let necessary staff know what is going on. We will also check in with you on a regular basis for updates and to offer assistance.

Empowering Students with Healthy Habits

Wellness Initiatives in Weld RE-5J

Weld RE-5J’s wellness initiatives focus on behavioral healthnutrition, and fitness to create a supportive environment that fosters students’ well-being. By addressing social, emotional, and mental health needs, providing nutritious meals, and promoting physical activity, the district aims to equip students with lifelong healthy habits that enhance behavior, academic performance, and overall health.

Student Health: Our Top Priority

Our goal is to make every student and family know they are welcome and are an important part of the
school community. We also want to ensure that each student is healthy and safe. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your school’s nurse or health aide by email or by phone.

Helpful Links & Information

State of Colorado Mandatory Vaccination Information – Parent Letter English / Spanish

CDPHE School Required Vaccinations PK-12th grade

Certificate of Immunization PK-12th grade – *To be completed by health provider.

Tdap – English / Spanish

Medical Exemption – To be completed by health provider – English / Spanish

Non-Medical Exemption – To be completed by the parent/guardian or provider – English / Spanish 

Required non-medical exemption online training for parent/guardian

Medication Administration at School – Required for any prescribed or OTC medication brought on school grounds for any reason – English / Spanish

Medication Self Carry Contract for inhaler and epinephrine – Needs approval by parent, RN, student.

School District Physical to be completed by provider  – Requested to enter school, and again at 4th, 7th and 10th grade.

Physician Physical Form

Asthma HCP

Allergy and Anaphylaxis HCP

Seizure HCP

Diabetes Healthcare Plan -To be completed by provider, Barbara Davis Center has own form.

Salud – (303) MYSALUD (697-2583) or (970) 484-0999

Monfort Family Clinic – 2930 11th Ave., Evans, CO Main number: (970) 353-9403

Sunrise Adelante Clinic – 1010 A Street, Greeley, CO Main number: (970) 313-0400

Loveland Community Health Center – 302 3rd Street SE, Loveland, CO (970) 669-4855

WCDPHE – (970) 304-6420