Student Records & Transcript Requests

If you need access to student records, have questions about data privacy or need assistance with education verification–we can help!

The Student Records Center serves a number of important functions including:

  • Only office authorized to issue transcripts and education records for former students and alumni.
  • Only office authorized to issue Special Education records for current and former students.
  • Maintains, verifies, issues and protects student records.
  • Maintains an academic records archive system, which is personalized and secure.
  • Maintains an academic records archive system, which is personalized and secure.
  • Other services provided include: conducting system training for new enrollment  staff; verifying student enrollment status; and reviewing, analyzing and suggesting revisions to current policies and processes or addition of new ones as appropriate.

Have questions?

Marcia Rodriguez
Coordinator of Student Information Systems

The Request for Records

This information can brought to or mailed to:

Weld RE5J School District
110 S Centennial Drive Suite A
Milliken, CO  80543